CSP Project Health and Safety

Welcome to the CSP Project Health and Safety Portal.

From this portal, you will be able to access the project health and safety documentation and templates, including:

  • Project safety manual (for completion)

  • Access to online reporting and site completion tools,

Please scroll down to begin.

Online Project Tools

  • Project Health and Safety Manual

    Project Managers at CSP that are required to complete HS documentation for a project can use this link to create a safety manual specific for the event.

    A pdf is generated once the PM has added or selected the relevant information. If changes are necessary, the email confirmation includes access to the editable version of the manual.

  • Dynamic Production / Technical Risk Assessment

    This online risk assessment tool will help production and technical arrangements when dynamic assessments need to be made.

    Outlining hazard and control measures will allow new risks and controls to be recorded.

  • Dynamic risk assessment tool

    Dynamic Site Risk Assessment.

    Our online risk assessment tool is available to our retainer clients to use when they are on site.

    This online tool helps identify significant hazards for general activity. Adding your control measures will allow you to download and share a copy of your risk assessment.